Lift Modernisation Estimator
Note: Please consult your registered lift contractor about the basic information of the lift and detail of the modernisation options.
Basic Information of Existing Electric Passenger/ Freight Lift
Location ID -
Lift Control
Rated Load (L)  kg
Rated Speed (Vc)  m/s
Lift Modernisation Options
Safety Device Equipped before Lift Modernisation
Prioritized modernisation items
Recommended modernisation items
Energy Saving Potential ~
Benefits of Enhancement after Lift Modernisation

Estimated Energy Saving after lift modernisation
Rated Power (kW) Estimated Annual Operating Hours Annual Average Load Factor (%) Estimated Annual Energy Consumption (kWh/year)
Existing Installation
New Installation

Estimated Annual Energy Saving (kWh/year)
1) The suggested energy saving potential is only a rough estimation based on the generic database of lift modernisation options from various lift manufacturers.
2) Should you wish to have a more precise energy saving estimation and advice for lift modernisation in your buildings, please contact and consult your lift maintenance contractor for detailed evaluation.
3) The status of safety devices provided in this estimator aims to encourage user to modernise their aged lifts. The data is for reference ONLY and the user should consult and verify the information with the relevant registered lift contractor.
