Lift Modernisation Estimator
Note: Please consult your registered lift contractor about the basic information of the lift and detail of the modernisation options.
Basic Information of Existing Electric Passenger/ Freight Lift
Location ID -
Lift Control
Rated Load (L)  kg
Rated Speed (Vc)  m/s
Lift Modernisation Options
Safety Device Equipped before Lift Modernisation
Prioritized modernisation items
Recommended modernisation items
Energy Saving Potential ~
Benefits of Enhancement after Lift Modernisation

Estimated Energy Saving after lift modernisation
Rated Power (kW) Estimated Annual Operating Hours Annual Average Load Factor (%) Estimated Annual Energy Consumption (kWh/year)
Existing Installation
New Installation

Estimated Annual Energy Saving (kWh/year)
1) The suggested energy saving potential is only a rough estimation based on the generic database of lift modernisation options from various lift manufacturers.
2) Should you wish to have a more precise energy saving estimation and advice for lift modernisation in your buildings, please contact and consult your lift maintenance contractor for detailed evaluation.
